Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 6

Worked on a few things today, but made the most progress on this one:

Now I've been saying that I suck at drawing hands for a while, and I've practiced a little lately, but today I tried to animate a hand opening (not featured in the above video, I'm too embarrassed to show that, so you just see the lines I made as a guide) and it turned out extremely awful. Now, through trial and error I can draw something that looks hand-shaped, but I'm really inconsistent. So I started drawing some hands after the above failure, and gonna devote a lot of time this weekend to hand drawing.

Sorry if this blog is boring! I'm still very beginner and it takes sooo long to do stuff. And a lot of the stuff I do is rubbish, so you're only seeing the "good" stuff haha. Well it's to be expected! First full week of this is complete!


  1. Best blog on the interweb. Not boring at all. I check this shit daily

  2. ditto and ditto. I know the vid you just posted is just an exercise but I imagine him going :O when he sees his hand and a slow motion zoom in on his face as he realizes his hand turns green

  3. thank you thank you, yeah that's pretty much the next step, some face acting woo!

  4. farkas is on here too ?! hahaahh this blog is bumping. i love it. so cool to see your progress and just be entertained with little tid bits

    1. dude, read farkas' cortland essay post. Fucking golden
